UK faces largest drop in living standards since 1950s

Jeremy Hunt painted a gloomy picture of recession and falling living standards as he announced a £55 billion combination of tax rises and spending cuts to stabilise the public finances.
The government’s independent forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility, says that disposable household incomes will fall by 7% over the next two years, the biggest drop in living standards on record.

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Jeremy Hunt melukiskan gambaran suram tentang resesi dan jatuhnya standar hidup saat dia mengumumkan kombinasi £55 miliar dari kenaikan pajak dan pemotongan pengeluaran untuk menstabilkan keuangan publik.
Peramal independen pemerintah, Kantor Tanggung Jawab Anggaran, mengatakan bahwa pendapatan rumah tangga sekali pakai akan turun 7% selama dua tahun ke depan, penurunan standar hidup terbesar yang pernah tercatat.

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